Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Look Back, Plus Hot Dogs

I didn't know this would be available online (and arguably it's not)... but Time Out has posted the cartoon I wrote and drew for their Year in Review section: Local Events with Bearsly Windinski. Sort of. The Powers That Be put it up panel by panel, rather than as the actual pages, and ripped the text out of the panels, putting the words below the art. Which probably raises some great questions and potential discussion about the nature of comics and the juxtaposition of text and picture, but I haven't slept enough recently to get into a dissertation. And in Time Out's defense, there was so much text to begin with, it was more like illustrated prose than comics proper.

Regardless: at least it's free to read this way (a boon in this economic desert). And while you're being cheap, be sure to check out Anders Nilsen's strip for that issue. It has a sort of Where's Waldo? feel to it.


Tim said...

I bought some socks too…

I was cheap and read it online - great stuff! But it is weird that they moved the text around and reformatted it into a typical bog-standard font … it does kind of take you out of the artwork and the story a bit so I felt like I was looking at the art then reading the text, rather than regarding them both as one single piece.

I'm not sure that last sentence makes sense…

Schmei said...

I haven't seen it yet, but Dan's cousin is picking up a copy for me while we're out of town. She said she liked it a lot.. can't wait to check it out - I loved the picture of Bearsley you posted here earlier this month.