Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Return of the Elephant Film Stills

From the (brilliantly cast and executed) short film adaptation by director Max Grey. (Return of the Elephant was originally published by AdHouse Books and is now collected in Let Us Be Perfectly Clear from Fantagraphics.) Some day in the future I hope to post a trailer for the film, or at the very least more information, but for now, here are these.


Schmei said...

Woah. That guy (with the cereal) looks _just_ like the guy. That's creepy. But awesome. .

Anonymous said...

this was my fav from "let us be/perfectly clear"... excited to see it on the screen.

Paul Hornschemeier said...

Thanks, m and m. As I said in the post, I'll hope to have a trailer up one of these days...