Friday, March 6, 2009

All and Sundry cover

Arriving in stores in the fall of this year, All and Sundry is a collection of various illustrations, posters, comics, and drawings that have been scattered in publications and galleries all over the world, but never collected in a single volume. This will include the strip currently running in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, as well as the sixteen page comic recently drawn for the album Yonlu (which I'll discuss in a later post).

The book will be rounded out by over one hundred scans from sketchbooks, documenting weirdness that has never seen the light of day, and projects still in a primitive state.


ramon said...

Hooray! Great news. :) Is it Fanta?

Paul Hornschemeier said...

Yessir. Fantagraphics it is.

Drink Ink said...

Exciting! I can't wait to see what YOUR sketchbook looks like.