Thursday, May 27, 2010

This Week's Shirt (5.27.10)

This week at the Forlorn Funnies Shirt Shop: we dig into the archives to have some ice cream and talk about your mom. A version of this shirt existed in the past (on a blue shirt with red line art), but this is the first time it will be offered in its adorable-offensive full-color glory.

Farewell, Art

Art Linkletter. 1912-2010.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This Week's Shirt (5.20.10)

This week at the Forlorn Funnies Shirt Shop: let people know your pixelated cranium is wafting toward your equally headless doppelganger. I've always loved that category in the greeting card shops.

No, Really: Hulk Rocks

I was instructed by Marvel, when setting up my access to their file transfer site, to download a graphic they put in one folder (an innocuous "Hulk Rocks" with our green friend against a white background) and then place some sort of graphic of mine in another folder. I downloaded their Hulk and raised them a Hulk. Apologies to whoever it is I decapitated, I can't recall.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Your Fishing Skills Are Excellent

Brighten up your Wednesday with a bit of floundering mess, wonderfully captured by animator Matthew Walker for Arthur Cox (via Mej's blog).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This Week's Shirt (5.13.10)

This week at the Forlorn Funnies Shirt Shop, it's time to relax yourself. Or chill that baby out. Or give the gift of wishful thinking to your local spaz.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

This Week's Shirt (5.6.10)

This week's shirt at the Forlorn Funnies Shirt Shop forces the new parents out there to answer that timeless question: just how metal is your baby? Yes, there are onesies this week (I blame my newborn niece for this). But for you loners, there's a dark hooded sweatshirt thrown into the batch too, so take solace in that.

This week also begins slightly different pricing: the current week's shirts and goods will be lower priced (most regular shirts will be $15). The next week, those designs will go up to $20 (again, for standard shirts). I openly admit to ripping off other shirt sites with this pricing structure, but I think it gives the early adopters a chance to feel less screwed than when they're, say, buying the latest iPud or iBurped or whatever it is that came out that week.