Thursday, May 20, 2010

No, Really: Hulk Rocks

I was instructed by Marvel, when setting up my access to their file transfer site, to download a graphic they put in one folder (an innocuous "Hulk Rocks" with our green friend against a white background) and then place some sort of graphic of mine in another folder. I downloaded their Hulk and raised them a Hulk. Apologies to whoever it is I decapitated, I can't recall.


Tim said...

How did I miss this post? That is awesome. Hulk Hogan looks well happy.

Wait - was their Hulk image actually the one of him playing drums!? Hulk played drums!?

I've obviously not been reading too much (read: ANY) Marvel titles recently!

Paul Hornschemeier said...

Yes, indeed, the original was hulk playing drums, and the kick drum did indeed say "hulk rocks." None of that was doctored.

Let's hope this was an ongoing story (of hulk struggling as a rock musician... possibly with tinnitus, given the headphones?) and not just a promotional piece.

Tim said...

IDEA: Captain America's shield as a cymbal.

I think you need to pitch Marvel Rock Band to Stan Lee.

James said...

C'mon, you can't easily recognize metal guitarists solely by the guitar they wield? That's obviously James Hetfield... you can also tell by his blackened soul which alters space-time over a 5 foot radius around him...