Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life with Mr. Dangerous Trailer

Life with Mr. Dangerous from Paul Hornschemeier on Vimeo.

Above is the animated trailer for the upcoming Life with Mr. Dangerous. A massive thanks to the guys at Bindle Dog who put a ton of work into this and suffered all my notes and edits. And thanks to Houses for the music. If you haven't heard their album, go give it a listen, you won't be dissapointed.


Faff said...

Nice trailer, very cinematic. Told me next to nothing about the book but intrigued me none-the-less. I did think on first watching that she ate the white cat. Only realised on second time round it just slid away as cats do.

mafalda said...

Excellent trailer! It made me want to read the book right now!

Greetings from New Zealand.

GiovanniMarchese said...

I'm happy for it! When can I read the book in Italy?
Greetings from Italia ^___^

Paul Hornschemeier said...

Thanks Peter and Mafalda.

Giovanni: that's a good questions and I'm not sure. Hopefully I'll hear something soon about that. The Spanish edition is due out in June and I think the French is following shortly thereafter, but I don't know about the Italian yet.