Monday, February 14, 2011

Give Yourself a Black Eye

There are still 17 days to go and more funds needed for Black Eye, an amazing (pending) anthology of dark humor featuring a long list of contributors. Among that list, some of my favorite people in comics:

Stéphane Blanquet (France)
Lilli Carré (USA- Chicago)
Al Columbia (USA)
Ludovic Debeurme (France)
Kaz (USA- Los Angeles)
Michael Kupperman (USA- New York City)
Mats!? (USA- Oakland, CA)
Olivier Schrauwen (Belgium)
Robert Sikoryak (USA- New York City)
Jon Vermilyea (USA- New York City)

I'll be contributing work as well (something concerning a childhood hero of mine), and I'm looking forward to seeing how such a wide selection of artists and writers comes together. So hurry up, Give to Black Eye now and support independent, grass roots fuckeduppery.

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