Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stephen Worth on Boing Boing

Stephen Worth, who has a wealth of animation knowledge and is the director of the always great ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive, is guest-blogging on Boing Boing currently. And he's posting an absolute treasure trove of information, clips, and articles. I wanted to be sure to post a few of my favorites thus far:

This video of Ralph Bakshi talking about being an artist and surviving in tough times should be required viewing for anyone in the creative arts, in any field. That he said all of this without preparation goes to show what a phenomenal mind he has, because it's inspirational, hilarious, and right on the mark:

Gustaf Tenggren's gorgeous Golden Book art is something I've seen a million times, but never attached to a name. Thank you, Mr. Worth, for righting that wrong.

And Mr. Worth points us to one of the weirdest Max Fleischer cartoons ever made. To say it was ahead of its time doesn't do it justice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I always loved Ralph Bakshi, nice video.