Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Once More, With Lion Masks

Fantagraphics has posted a slide show/Flickr set for the imminent re-release of Mother, Come Home. The book – out of print in North America for almost two years and now issued in a (in my opinion) massively improved hardbound format – will be in hand soon, and in stores around mid-March. I'll be doing a few signings of the book on the west coast around the time of its release: I'll post more information about that in the near future.

Visit the the book's product page to download wallpaper for your desktop or phone, read a fourteen page excerpt of the book, and, should the mood strike, pre-order the book.


Tim said...

Looks pretty sweet - I'll definitely be picking up a copy when it's out!

Mike Baehr said...

Holy crap, I just got a much better idea for the wallpaper... well, now there'll be two!