Monday, August 25, 2008

Muybridge in Portland

If you're in or anywhere near Portland, you've still got a few days left to see the exhibit of Eadweard Muybridge's "Animal Locomotion" showing at Charles A. Hartman Gallery.

Chicago, it turns out, is not anywhere near Portland these days, but I'd love to see these prints up close in personal. Muybridge has saved my brain on more than one occasion when I've been called on to draw a horse or tiger moving around, which lately seems to be bizarrely often (more on that – the tiger at least – later).


Schmei said...

Good timing! We'll have to check out this exhibit and then tip our VooDoo donuts eastward in thanks to you.

ramon said...

is this the piece bryan talbot used in the adventures of luther arkwright? :)

Paul Hornschemeier said...

M, have a great trip and have an extra donut on my behalf. Though I would rather have the donut myself, in all honesty.

R, I'll admit that while I've read some of Bryan Talbot's work, I haven't read The Adventures of Luther Arkwright. I can only say that any number of artists working in film, animation, and comics have done work clearly inspired by or directly addressing Muybridge. Other than that, I don't know... Sorry to not be of more help.

ramon said...

hey, no problem. i do recommend the book, though, there's a ton of stylistic things he did there that no one else was doing at the time. :)

Paul Hornschemeier said...

Recommendation noted. I'll make a point to check it out. Thanks, R.